
If you are ready to participate in a study, great! Here is the link to a sign up form where you can input you and your child’s information. After, we will add you to our potential participant database and reach out to you if there is a study you are eligible to participate in.
If you are interested in joining the lab, please fill out the appropriate form on the Join the Lab page.
If you would like to stay updated on our research, follow us on Instagram @quadlab.rutgers!
If you would like to know more information, you can input any of your questions in the form below or email us directly.

  • 152 Frelinghuysen Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08850
  • Enter the Psychology Building, go downstairs and walk in the direction of ascending office numbers until you reach the annex.
  • Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00