Frequently Asked Questions


How can my child participate?

If you and your child are interested in participating you can fill out our Sign Up form and we will reach out to you when they are eligible for a study.

I am an adult, can I participate or are your studies just for kids?

We have studies for adults as well!

I’m involved in an organization for children (e.g., school, childcare), can we participate?

Yes! You can reach out to us at and we will respond with potential next steps to get your site involved.

I got a letter about a study through my child’s school, what will that involve?

One way we like to run our studies is through their school. If you agree to have your child participate and fill out the consent documentation, we will briefly pull them from class and play some proportional reasoning games.

Participating on Campus

Do I have to drive to Rutgers to participate in a study?

Not necessarily! While many of our studies do take place in person, we have a wide variety of studies that can be done over Zoom or are primarily run online.

Will I be able to watch my child while they participate?

Yes, we have a one-way window so you can observe your child while they participate in the study!

Will I find out the results of the study?

Many of our studies will be published in a reputable journal, but most results will also be posted on this site.

How long do the studies take?

The length of our studies can vary anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes.

My child has a developmental delay. Can they still participate?

At the moment we do not have any studies for children with developmental delays, but there are many other labs at Rutgers that do!

How do I reschedule or cancel an appointment?

If you booked through our Microsoft Bookings, you can reschedule or cancel using your original confirmation email. If you do not have access to this email any longer, you can send us a message at and we will adjust the appointment for you. In both cases you will receive a confirmation email that your booking has been cancelled or changed.

Do I or my child receive anything for participating?

A majority of our studies offer some form of financial compensation and a participation certificate. This can vary on the type and duration of the study, but all of this information will be provided to you when we reach out to you about participating.